Elizabeth Anderson: Private Government. How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don‘t Talk about It).
Lassnigg, Lorenz [Rez.] (2017): Anderson, Elizabeth (2017): Private Government. How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don‘t Talk about It). Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP.
In: Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at. Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs.
Ausgabe 32, 2017. Wien.
Online im Internet: http://www.erwachsenenbildung.at/magazin/17-32/meb17-32.pdf.
Druck-Version: Books on Demand GmbH: Norderstedt.
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Artikel als PDF herunterladendownload„One in four American workers says their workplace is a ‘dictatorship’. Yet that number probably would be even higher if we recognized most employers for what they are – private governments with sweeping authoritarian power over our lives, on duty and off. We normally think of government as something only the state does, yet many of us are governed far more – and far more obtrusively – by the private government of the workplace. In this provocative and compelling book, Elizabeth Anderson argues that the failure to see this stems from long-standing confusions. These confusions explain why, despite all evidence to the contrary, we still talk as if free markets make workers free – and why so many employers advocate less government even while they act as dictators in their businesses.“ (Verlagsinformation)chevron_leftZurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis