Call for Papers and information for authors in English
Here, you can find informations for writing articles for the Austrian Open Access Journal on Adult Education (Magazin in German).
Current Call for Papers
Call for Papers Meb55: Artificial Intelligence and Adult Education
In a time when the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining the rules of social coexistence, adult education faces the task of supporting the social transformation associated with it as well as actively shaping it and critically reflecting on its impact on adult education and learning and one's own fields of activity. Issue 55 of The Austrian Open Access Journal on Adult Education (meb) will address the role of AI in adult education and include both scientific and practical examples. One particular focus is on opportunities for shaping and participating in adult education through the development and use of AI.
- Editors: Julia Schindler and Matthias Rohs
- Editorial deadline: 3rd February 2025
- Publication date: June 2025
Download: Call for Papers (German)
Submission, editorial process and publication
We recommend to contact the editorial office ( with a short outline of the ideas for the planned article. You will receive feedback. send your contribution including any illustrations, tables and diagrams, a portrait photo of the autor(s) (at least 300 dpi) including credits, and a short biography of the author(s) to the editorial office.
All articles will be internally reviewed by our editorial board. Authors will receive a written summary of this evaluation. Afterwards, they can adapt their article if necessary. Decisive criteria for the acceptance of an article for publication are the topicality of the content and the correctness of the work, reference to the call for papers, relevance to Austria or the transferability of international findings to the situation in Austria, formal standards (above all length and citations), timely submission and readiness to cooperate with the editorial staff.
Finally, all contributions must be copy edited, based on the editorial evaluation and formal standards. The copy editing includes formal correction as well as spell checking and makes sure that all the requirements for publication have been met.
Upon publication of your article, you transfer its rights of use to the journal and agree to its publication on the Internet under a CC-BY Creative Commons license as well as its entry into database systems. All contributions that are accepted will receive an honorarium of EUR 110 to 274 depending on the length and category of the contribution from the Federal Institute for Adult Education. By submitting a manuscript, you confirm your acceptance of these conditions.
Categories of the Journal
“The Austrian Journal for Adult Education“ (Magazin in German) covers articles in different categories. These categories pursue different goals and differ in their arrangement, design, focus and manner of dealing with topics. When writing your article, please do your best to ensure that it meets the requirements of one of the categories described below and that it does not exceed the maximal length.
Subject (15.000-25.000 characters)
This category features academic discussions, empirical studies, and theoretical papers as well as critical and personal points of view that deal with the questions and topics of the call for papers. Great emphasis is placed on clear structure and argumentation, on well-supported and relevant content as well as on the attention to scientific criteria, e.g. regarding citation.
Practice (15.000-25.000 characters)
This category addresses adult educators and professionals of related fields. In freely structured reports on their own experiences or in project reports, they can describe and reflect on their observations, concerns, challenges, and problems regarding the subject outlined in the call for papers.
Portrait (5.000-10.000 characters)
In this category authors are welcome to write about people whose work and thoughts are fundamental to adult education or who provide answers to the questions outlined in the call for papers.
Introduction in brief (5.000-10.000 characters)
In this category, institutions, or associations whose programs and services, target groups, procedures or methods are directly connected with the call for papers, have the opportunity to introduce themselves and their work/projects.
Review (5.000-10.000 characters)
In this category authors are free to discusses new publications or “classical“ literature dealing with the subject outlined in the current call for papers.
Editorial Team
Editorial Board
- Elke Gruber (University of Graz)
- Lorenz Lassnigg (Institute of Advanced Studies)
- Julia Schindler (University of Innsbruck)
- Kurt Schmid (ibw Austria – Research & Development in VET)
- Stefan Vater (VÖV – Association of Austrian Adult Education Centers)
- Lukas Wieselberg (ORF Science)
Editors of the journal
- Eileen Mirzabaegi (Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria – Education, Science and Research)
- Dennis Walter (Federal Institute for Adult Education Austria)
Your Contact
Jennifer Friedl, CONEDU
Tel.: +43 (0)316 719508-12