Lassnigg, Lorenz (2011): Editorial. In: Magazin Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs. Ausgabe 14, 2011. Wien.
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Artikel als PDF herunterladendownloadÖsterreich ist dabei, einen Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmen (NQR) zu entwickeln - eine nicht gänzlich unumstrittene Politik. Ausgabe 14 des "Magazin" fragt, ob und inwiefern der NQR ein Instrument zur Förderung der Erwachsenenbildung sein kann oder ob er nur ein "Castle in the Cyberspace" ist, der ohne Wirkungen bleiben wird.
English Abstract
An important topic in educational policy in Austria is the development of a national qualifications framework (NQF). Because of its abstract and complex assumptions and implications, this policy is not only difficult to understand but also controversial with regard to the expected results. The image of the "Castle in the Cyberspace" refers to the possibility that instead of either the desired or feared consequences of the NQF, there may simply be no effect. This issuce of the Austrian Open Access Journal of Adult Education (Magazin in German) deals with research that raises more basic questions in reference to the supranational level. Along with two articles in the original English version directly related to international research and experiences, the experiences with NQFs in England, Germany and Switzerland are reflected on. The articles from Austria also approach the subject from a comparative angle and treat the following aspects: the special features of institutional structures at the transition from secondary to tertiary education, the question of classifying general adult education into the qualifications framework using an example of civic competence and political education and the experiences with learner outcome-oriented descriptions using the example of two programmes (Austrian Academy of Continuing Education and the external final apprenticeship exam as part of labour market policy). The overall picture reveals the following: "Pure outcome orientation" is seen as disastrous for the quality of education and learning. From experiences up to now, it can be concluded that the NQF on its own essentially achieves nothing. If it should achieve anything, whether in the direction of efficiency or in the direction of justice, the framework must be integrated into an appropriate strategy with more far-reaching measures - thus is one of the main conclusions of the editor.chevron_leftZurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis