Grobbauer, Heidi/Gürses, Hakan/Vater, Stefan (2012): Editorial. In: Magazin Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs.
Ausgabe 16, 2012. Wien. Online im Internet: Druck-Version: Books on Demand GmbH: Norderstedt.
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Artikel als PDF herunterladendownloadWie kann ich handeln, wie soll ich leben in einer globalisierten Welt? Viele Menschen verunsichert diese Frage. Ein Bedarf nach Erwachsenenbildung tut sich längst auf. Doch noch scheint die Branche weit davon entfernt, über den nationalen Tellerrand hinaus gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge sichtbar zu machen. Die vorliegende Ausgabe des "Magazin" stellt daher das Bildungskonzept Globales Lernen vor und versucht, es für das Erwachsenenlernen fruchtbar zu machen.
English Abstract
What competences are necessary in order to "learn how to read the world" (Paulo Freire)? Globalisation processes bring along with them profound social changes and thus are becoming a greater and greater challenge for adult education as well. There is a general awareness of many global processes. However, at the same time, many people are overwhelmed by the complexity of interconnections and interdependencies. They have feelings of uncertainty, powerlessness and disorientation. The design of individual and collective possibilities for living and action seems difficult in the face of great uncertainties regarding future development. So is this a case for adult education? It is precisely in adult education that we are far from allowing social connections beyond national borders to come into view in order to get an idea of the change required. This issue of the Austrian Open-Access Journal for Adult Education (Magazin in German) journal presents the diverse approaches to the educational concept Global Learning and attempts to use it to the benefit of adult learning. It shows good practice examples and reflects the problem of the debates and research areas being pursued separately that only deal with individual facets of the topic: the discourse about globalisation in the social sciences, the discourse about learning in or for global society in the educational sciences and the discourse about political didactics. chevron_leftZurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis