The Open Method of Coordination and Lifelong Guidance
Plant, Peter/Kjærgård, Roger (2016): The Open Method of Coordination and Lifelong Guidance. In: Magazin Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs. Ausgabe 29, 2016. Wien. Online im Internet:
Druck-Version: Books on Demand GmbH: Norderstedt. Erschienen unter der Creative Commons Lizenz CC BY 4.0 ( Zitierblock in Literaturverwaltungssystem übernehmen
Artikel als PDF herunterladendownloadThe European Council of Ministers of Education, first in 2004, and again in 2008 (see Council of the European Union 2004 u. 2008), have adopted EU Council Resolutions on Lifelong Guidance with the aim to better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. The links between lifelong learning and lifelong guidance are clear, they have been for decades. Resolutions, however, are guidelines, not directives.
English Abstract
This article displays the importance of career guidance in Europe and beyond. Peter Plant and Roger Kjærgård provide insight into the Open Method of Coordination (OMC), where mutual peer learning and development is of high importance. This paper highlights some of the elements of OMC in career guidance, discussing the terms “benchmarking”, “peer learning” and “qualitative goals”. Evidently, the OMC is seen as an instrument of governance, albeit a “soft“ one in relation to career guidance. The article points out the advantages of this soft steering model, e.g. mutual peer learning. However, it also talks about the criticism this particular approach earns, as being just another tool for policy convergence in areas that are outside democratic political control. The authors further discuss the focus of OMC to develop common frameworks for quality assurance across Europe. These frameworks put perspective on career management skills in developing quality assurance approaches and on establishing national career guidance coordination. Policies and practices, however, aren‘t interchangeable across national borders to create convergence, as structures, policies, resources, and cultures differ. There is plenty to be learnt from each other, and plenty of silos to be broken down. Practically, the vehicle for applying the OMC approach has been the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN). (Ed.)chevron_leftZurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis