Autor*innen: Stefan Vater


Vater, Stefan (2013): Editorial. In: Magazin Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs. Ausgabe 18, 2013. Wien. Online im Internet: Druck-Version: Books on Demand GmbH: Norderstedt.
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"Governance" meint eine neue Art des Regierens: Nicht Staat und Markt lenken und steuern, sondern Netzwerke und Gemeinschaften sollen dies tun. Die AutorInnen der neuen Ausgabe des Meb schaffen Bewusstheit für das vielfältige Wesen der Governance in der Erwachsenenbildung, stellen anschauliche Beispiele vor und nehmen kritische Standpunkte ein.

English Abstract

The term governance expresses a changed understanding of governing: a coordination of action between players at different levels. It is neither the state nor market that directs and controls but instead networks and communities. In the articles in this issue of the Austrian Open Access Journal for Adult Education (Magazin - Meb in German), various players (ministries, provinces, adult education institutions) reflect the diversity of discourses, approaches and interpretations of the term governance. Practical insights and reflections on the application of governance concepts in adult education and continuing education in Austria appear next to articles that theoretically analyze and review the concept of lifelong learning from the perspective of governance. Critical questions are raised about society and a look is taken at governance beyond the borders of Austria (Germany, the Netherlands, the countries in the Danube region). Topics in this issue range from the history of political control of Austrian adult education to specific current findings about governance processes such as the Adult Education Initiative or the framework of quality for adult education in Austria (Ö-Cert).
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