Autor*innen: Johann Baumgartner, Gaby Filzmoser, Franz Jenewein

Kunst und Literatur in den österreichischen Bildungshäusern

Baumgartner, Johann/Filzmoser, Gaby/Jenewein, Franz (2012): Kunst und Literatur in den österreichischen Bildungshäusern. In: Magazin Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs. Ausgabe 15, 2012. Wien. Online im Internet: Druck-Version: Books on Demand GmbH: Norderstedt.
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Das Kunst- und Kulturangebot österreichischer Bildungshäuser ist vielfältig und reicht von traditionsreichen Chorwochen und Ausstellungsbetrieb bis hin zur "Popfactory" oder Lehrgängen für Ausdruckstanz. Fazit: Die Wechselwirkung von Kunst, Kultur und Bildung ist fruchtbar.

English Abstract

Bildungshäuser (Educational centres) as places of teaching and learning rely intensively on art and literature in education. Their cultural and artistic offerings range from traditional choir weeks to the "pop factory", from courses on expressive dance to "art in the pool". Art is an expression of aesthetic education, a means for communicating, and is used in the imparting of education as well as in the curricula of a wide variety of educational offerings. In addition, art in the Austrian Bildungshäuser reaches many people who have rarely had the opportunity to take a good look at it actively, thus leading to a fruitful interaction between art, culture and education. The following contribution provides insight into the variety of educational and cultural events in the Austrian Bildungshäuser, focusing on selected examples.
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