Autor*innen: Friederike Weber, Sabine Putz, Hilde Stockhammer

Kompetenz mit System. Lernergebnisorientierte AMS-Schulungen als Schritte zur Qualifikation Lehrabschluss

Weber, Friederike/Putz, Sabine/Stockhammer, Hilde (2011): Kompetenz mit System. Lernergebnis­orientierte AMS-Schulungen als Schritte zur Qualifikation Lehrabschluss. In: Magazin Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs. Ausgabe 14, 2011. Wien. Online im Internet: Druck-Version: Books on Demand GmbH: Norderstedt.
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Das Modell Kompetenz mit System (KmS) unterstützt arbeitslose Menschen darin, in kürzeren Episoden wiederkehrender Arbeitslosigkeit einen formalen Bildungsabschluss zu erwerben. KmS umfasst verschiedene Module als Teilqualifikationen für den außerordentlichen Lehrabschluss. Wie das in der Praxis aussehen kann, demonstrieren die Autorinnen anhand der Kompetenzmatrix für die außerordentliche Lehrabschlussprüfung (LAB) zum/r Einzelhandelskaufmann/frau – Allgemeiner Einzelhandel.

English Abstract

"Competence with System" is a model that puts occupational training by the Public Employment Service Austria (Arbeitsmarktservice in German - AMS) in the context of formal training qualifications more than it has been before. KmS should make it possible for the unemployed to acquire as part of several education and training modules the competences necessary to pass the external final apprenticeship exam and thus earn a formal qualification. With its eye to the future, KmS is orientated to coming changes in the educational system such as the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) or the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and has picked up on developments such as the recognition of non-formal and informal knowledge as well as learning outcome and competence orientation. Competence matrices that describe the targeted competence level of AMS qualifications offerings and that can be categorised according to competence level in the framework for the skilled trade form the basis for KmS. This article describes the objective, development and structure of the KmS model and reproduces the competence matrix of a trained retail salesperson - general retail trade in order to illustrate the experiences with implementation. In the conclusion, the opportunities and challenges of such a training model with compatible education and training modules will be reflected on.
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