Vermittlung von Selbstlernkompetenzen. Theoretische Aspekte und ein praktisches Modell
Verena Buddenberg (2010): Vermittlung von Selbstlernkompetenzen. Theoretische Aspekte und ein praktisches Modell. In: MAGAZIN Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs.
Ausgabe 10, 2010. Wien. Online im Internet: Druck-Version: Books on Demand GmbH: Norderstedt. Zitierblock in Literaturverwaltungssystem übernehmen
Artikel als PDF herunterladendownloadSelbstlernkompetenzen und selbstgesteuertes Lernen werden im erwachsenenpädagogischen Diskurs über die Zielgruppen hinweg als Notwendigkeit erachtet. Die Autorin beschreibt, was genau darunter zu verstehen ist und was das für die Praxis der Erwachsenenbildung und ihre Angebote bedeuten kann - illustriert durch ein Beispiel aus der Praxis.
English Abstract
For some time, the necessity of acquiring self-learning competences has been discussed in the discourse on adult education. The concept of self-directed learning is closely connected with this. Both concepts refer less to a certain target group than they are depicted as competences across different target groups which are necessary for the modern world of work and life as well as part of lifelong learning processes. The question arises as to what self-learning competence means exactly and what relevant offers adult education institutions can provide. Furthermore, the question also becomes whether and to what extent a change in roles as well as a potential loss of status can be seen in precisely these institutions with regard to a now "self-directed learner community". Following this theoretical reflection, the present article introduces a model of learner guidance, drawn from adult education practice, which focuses on reflecting on and imparting learning competences. The target group for this model can include all those who would like to enhance their self-learning competence or have problems with their own method of learning. The third question is whether leaner mentoring offered by continuing education institutions for developing self-learning competence could also be attractive for reasons of strategic marketing.chevron_leftZurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis