Autor*innen: Iva Kocaman, Patricia Latorre Pallares, Olga Zitzelsberger

Selbstorganisationen von Migrantinnen. Potentiale einer emanzipatorischen Erwachsenenbildung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft

Iva Kocaman, Patricia Latorre Pallares und Olga Zitzelsberger (2010): Selbstorganisationen von Migrantinnen. Potentiale einer emanzipatorischen Erwachsenenbildung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. In: MAGAZIN Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs. Ausgabe 10, 2010. Wien. Online im Internet: Druck-Version: Books on Demand GmbH: Norderstedt.
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Der Beitrag zeigt anhand von Beispielen, wie Migrantinnen in sog. Selbstorganisationen ihre eigene Weiterbildung organisieren. Sie entwickeln dabei eine Expertise, die auch etablierte Institutionen der Erwachsenenbildung durch Kontakte und Kooperation nutzen sollten, so die Autorinnen.

English Abstract

While in the meanwhile gender topics are almost thoroughly reflected in the educational offers of adult education in Germany, this kind of sensitivity for the differentiation of offers according to the ethnic origin of its participants is still lacking for the most part. In adult education, migrants are only seen as a target group, i.e. as "objects" and not as experts. By contrast, the self-organisation of migrants provide a diverse educational programme which is strongly oriented to the needs of migrants and in which migrants themselves are educational experts. By establishing specific contacts and by cooperating with the migrants’ self-organisations, adult education could analyse its own involvement in the social discourse on integration and gain important impetus for political and emancipatory education work.
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