About Path2EU4AE (2022 - 2024)

Between 2022 and 2024 the project PATH2EU4AE has aimed to empower access to EU funding programmes for adult education organisations and to provide an online tool as an information path to suitable EU funding opportunities.

There are numerous EU funding programmes – but we also need the appropriate knowledge to get funding. This is difficult, especially for small and atypical adult education institutions that have little or no prior experience in applying for funding.

Between 2022 and 2024 a partnership led by CONEDU (Austria) has aimed to support the ET2030 priority "Supporting teachers and trainers" by making it easier for those institutions to access centralised EU programmes by providing an information pathway as an online tool for professionalization – Path2EU4AE. The project outcome enables these institutions to assess the benefits and requirements of EU programmes for projects and international cooperation and to decide in which cases a programme is suitable and promising for the institution. Users of the Infopath become better aware of the condition and eligibility of their organisation. Thus, they can initiate further steps for learning activities on both an organisation and individual level, to improve towards successful applications and funding.

The main outcome of the project is the Infopath as an online tool. It helps adult education institutions find suitable EU programmes and assess which programmes fit the needs and requirements of the institution. Based on the institution's needs and goals, the pathway leads to appropriate EU programmes for the institution and provides basic information about the programmes by filling in and working through the different items of a questionnaire for self-assessment.

The partners in the project are confident, that this should better enable adult education providers to submit successful project applications, participate in the European community and contribute to European adult education policy.

The Infopath is freely accessible under a CC BY 4.0 NC ND licence, hosted by the Austrian adult education platform (https://erwachsenenbildung.at). The lead partner CONEDU is the publisher of this platform on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

Find the partners using the following links:


All webpages belonging to the Path2EU4AE information path have been created during the project "Empower access to EU Programmes for adult education institutions with low/little prior experience by providing an information path as a tool for professionalization (Path2EU4AE) between 2022 -2024. The project has been funded by the Erasmus+ programme, KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education, project number: 2022-1-AT01-KA210-ADU-000084855.

CONEDU as the lead partner of this project holds editorial responsibility for this content, which has been developed with the partners. We thank the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research for hosting this tool that is available to everybody in Europe and beyond. No funds of the media owner BMBWF were used for the development and publication itself.

For further information on the hosting platform https://erwachsenenbildung.at use the website's navigation tools.


Path2EU4AE - Information Path on EU-Funding for Adult Education © 2024 by CONEDU - Association for Research and Media in Education is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International

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