How to and FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about PATH2EU4AE.

Back to the tool Path2EU4AE.

How does this work?

Path2EU4AE is an interactive online tool that can help you find out about EU-funding opportunities for Adult Education institutions that match the conditions and needs of your organization. Even more relevant: you will find out what is necessary to be eligible and successful. To get there you must enter information by replying to questions and reflecting on others. We also sometimes refer to it as "Infopath".


Please note: Do not reload the page while filling out the form, your data will not be cached. It may be helpful to use a text editor on your device to prepare the information. Make sure you have read and understood the privacy policy. CONEDU and the project partners are not responsible for any use other than the recommended use. 

How much time will this take me?

The self-assessment includes a questionnaire that consists of fourteen items. Some may feel like quick wins, but some of them need time for you to inform yourself or to reflect. If you have all the necessary information available, going through will take from 20-30 minutes, depending on how deeply you are willing to reflect on specific questions.

What do I get afterwards?

Once the questionnaire is filled in, the Infopath with display a Self-Assessment Report (SAR) consisting of three parts:

  • Summary of all your answers
  • EFS – Eligibility Fitness Score
  • Matching EU-Funding Programmes

What can I do with the results?

It is a learning opportunity, and you can derive numerous consequences for organizational development and competence building from it. After using the PATH2EU4AE you will feel more aware of the conditions of your organisation when it comes to EU funding. We suggest you discuss the results with relevant members of your organisation, with partners, during a coaching or any other opportunity where you try to think strategically about how your organisation is supposed to perform concerning the European Agenda.

What if I want to stop and return later on?

We follow a low-data policy. Yes, we do collect the data you enter to be able to show you a results page, and for scientific reasons. But there is no need to register to the PATH2EU4AE. As we are not storing personal information, it is not possible to cache information for a later continuation. If you need to return and go on, just enter temporary answers and keep the report to start from there during your next GO.

How is this different from all the funding databases out there on the internet?

By some means it is not. However, a lot of the knowledge that is necessary to become eligible and successful by applying for funding is not as formal as databases are. We have shared decades of expertise among our project partners and written down this knowledge. And we have compared it with the results of an online survey we conducted in 2023 and put it all into this tool. The Infopath makes this knowledge accessible to users like you.

This tool is helpful, but you can do better. How do I get in touch?

The tool has been developed in an Erasmus+ Small Scale Partnership with limited resources. We keep aiming to develop it further once we can acquire more means for it. By using the Infopath and thankfully providing your data you will help us to keep going and create a better tool in the future. For feedback send us an email to We appreciate it!

Can I use the tool further?

Yes, you can. We would appreciate it if you shared the Infopath with others by backlinking the URL If you need more details on the rules for further use, check out our open licence CC BY 4.0 NC ND.


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