Autor*innen: Carolin Ramsteck, Kathleen Rothe

"ABC zum Berufserfolg". Ein ganzheitliches Qualifizierungsmodell für eine neue Zielgruppe der beruflichen Erwachsenenbildung

Carolin Ramsteck und Kathleen Rothe (2010): "ABC zum Berufserfolg". Ein ganzheitliches Qualifizierungsmodell für eine neue Zielgruppe der beruflichen Erwachsenenbildung. In: MAGAZIN Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs. Ausgabe 10, 2010. Wien. Online im Internet: Druck-Version: Books on Demand GmbH: Norderstedt.
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Das Kursmodell "ABC zum Berufserfolg" richtet sich an die Zielgruppe der sog. "Funktionalen AnalphabetInnen". Es versucht, über die Verbindung berufsorientierter Alphabetisierung mit Grundbildungsarbeit berufliche Perspektiven für den/die Einzelne zu eröffnen.

English Abstract

Within the framework of the World Literacy Decade, proclaimed by the United Nations for the period from 2003 to 2012, the so-called "functional illiterates" have become the focus of an (expert) public as a new target group of adult education. It is estimated that four million people in Germany are part of this target group, whose written language skills are below the minimum standard required and expected by society. Since functional illiterates are seriously disadvantaged in terms of their social and economic participation and are at high risk for unemployment and poverty, measures are needed to support this heterogeneous target group in a comprehensive way and to open up professional perspectives for them as part of vocational literacy and numeracy and basic education work. And this is exactly where the "ABC to Career Success" course model, which is currently being tested and evaluated in Nürnberg, Germany, comes in. In the present article, after a brief theoretical discussion, the altered life situations of functional illiterates and the resulting impacts on their employability are described. Based upon this, the authors present the "ABC to Career Success" course model and take stock after almost one year of the course.
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